I do believe that you should never cheat as it can have a lot of consequences. When cheating, most of the time you will get caught, maybe not at the moment, but after you cheating you can still get caught. This probability increases if you cheat more than once. This can be a problem because you might get used to cheating and the probability rises. Apart from this once you cheat once you are more probable to do it again and then it becomes a habit. And if you do this it might be harder for you to do it on your own. In conclusion, we should follow Dale Murphy's footsteps and never cheat.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
"I won't cheat" -Dale Murphy
I do believe that you should never cheat as it can have a lot of consequences. When cheating, most of the time you will get caught, maybe not at the moment, but after you cheating you can still get caught. This probability increases if you cheat more than once. This can be a problem because you might get used to cheating and the probability rises. Apart from this once you cheat once you are more probable to do it again and then it becomes a habit. And if you do this it might be harder for you to do it on your own. In conclusion, we should follow Dale Murphy's footsteps and never cheat.
I do believe that you should never cheat as it can have a lot of consequences. When cheating, most of the time you will get caught, maybe not at the moment, but after you cheating you can still get caught. This probability increases if you cheat more than once. This can be a problem because you might get used to cheating and the probability rises. Apart from this once you cheat once you are more probable to do it again and then it becomes a habit. And if you do this it might be harder for you to do it on your own. In conclusion, we should follow Dale Murphy's footsteps and never cheat.
Patient Representative
Duties and Responsibilities
The role of a patient representative is to act as a mediator between a doctor and a patient.
Between 24,000 and 36,000 dollars.
Some colleges offer classes for medical assisting, that can take from 1 to 2 years to complete.
There is no clear need for this profession.

I would maybe consider becoming a patient representative as a job during college or something, but not as my full time job for the rest of my days.
Duties and Responsibilities
The role of a patient representative is to act as a mediator between a doctor and a patient.
Between 24,000 and 36,000 dollars.
Some colleges offer classes for medical assisting, that can take from 1 to 2 years to complete.
There is no clear need for this profession.

I would maybe consider becoming a patient representative as a job during college or something, but not as my full time job for the rest of my days.
Monday, February 26, 2018
"Character matters most." - Dale Murphy
I agree with this post as I also believe that character is important. Being able to always be honest and respectful will always help in your life, no matter where it is that you are being like this. Another part of character is confidence, which would also help you a lot in your life. These things will not only give you more opportunities, but they will also help you accomplish what you want. This not only helps in school or in your job, but it applies to everywhere, as you should be good anywhere that you go. It is never bad to do good, so it is not something extra to do this. In conclusion, I completely agree with Dale Murphy's statement and I will always take them into a count when doing things in my life.
I agree with this post as I also believe that character is important. Being able to always be honest and respectful will always help in your life, no matter where it is that you are being like this. Another part of character is confidence, which would also help you a lot in your life. These things will not only give you more opportunities, but they will also help you accomplish what you want. This not only helps in school or in your job, but it applies to everywhere, as you should be good anywhere that you go. It is never bad to do good, so it is not something extra to do this. In conclusion, I completely agree with Dale Murphy's statement and I will always take them into a count when doing things in my life.
Duties and Responsibilities
They provide medical care newborns, all the way to young adults. They are responsible for examining, diagnosing, and treating children with a wide variety of injuries and illnesses.
They need an undergraduate degree, followed by 4 years of medical school and a 3-7 year internship and/or residency.
The demand for this job is high, as it is expected to grow by 24% from 2010 to 2020.
I would maybe consider trying to become a pediatrician, but it is not something I look forward to.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." -Benjamin Franklin
I don't agree with this quote. Everything can have a great use, of course I do think that a right heart is important, so is your strength, in some cases beauty and riches can have that of a great use. For example, Mich in the video we watched needed that strength. We saw him train to get to that point, of course his heart made him do that, but without strength he couldn't have won that. Strength is as important as a right heart. As for beauty, maybe isn't as important but it definitely has a use and great riches have a lot of uses when having a right heart. You can help others economically and those that need help. Maybe you can do that any ways, but with great riches you can do so much more for the world. In conclusion, IN MY OPINION great riches and great strength, depending on how you look at it, can be as important as having a right heart.
I don't agree with this quote. Everything can have a great use, of course I do think that a right heart is important, so is your strength, in some cases beauty and riches can have that of a great use. For example, Mich in the video we watched needed that strength. We saw him train to get to that point, of course his heart made him do that, but without strength he couldn't have won that. Strength is as important as a right heart. As for beauty, maybe isn't as important but it definitely has a use and great riches have a lot of uses when having a right heart. You can help others economically and those that need help. Maybe you can do that any ways, but with great riches you can do so much more for the world. In conclusion, IN MY OPINION great riches and great strength, depending on how you look at it, can be as important as having a right heart.
Duties and Responsibilities
They normally examine and diagnose bodily fluids such as blood and urine and other things.
They need a bachelors degree, then a medical degree and 4 to 5 years of medical training.
There is no specific amount of demand for this job, but because of its other related medical fields it is anticipated to grow by probably more than 15%.

I would maybe consider this career, but it is to many years of studying.
Duties and Responsibilities
They normally examine and diagnose bodily fluids such as blood and urine and other things.
They need a bachelors degree, then a medical degree and 4 to 5 years of medical training.
There is no specific amount of demand for this job, but because of its other related medical fields it is anticipated to grow by probably more than 15%.
I would maybe consider this career, but it is to many years of studying.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today." -James Freeman Clarke
I agree with this statement that you can make a difference but, not for all eternity as you don't live an eternity. But yeah, you can do something bad in one day and it can affect you the whole life, but not eternity. This is why you have to think about consequences to your actions. It can be bad to not do something at the time as well, as it can hurt you in your life and affect it. The point is that you can do something really bad in a few seconds, and it may affect you your whole life. In conclusion I do agree with this quote but I would change eternal for life.

I agree with this statement that you can make a difference but, not for all eternity as you don't live an eternity. But yeah, you can do something bad in one day and it can affect you the whole life, but not eternity. This is why you have to think about consequences to your actions. It can be bad to not do something at the time as well, as it can hurt you in your life and affect it. The point is that you can do something really bad in a few seconds, and it may affect you your whole life. In conclusion I do agree with this quote but I would change eternal for life.
Ostheopathic Physician
Duties and Responsibilities
They practice medicine with a different philosophy than medical doctors. They can still have the same privileges as normal doctors such as prescribing medicine, performing surgery and diagnosing illness.
They practice medicine with a different philosophy than medical doctors. They can still have the same privileges as normal doctors such as prescribing medicine, performing surgery and diagnosing illness.
Average -> 204k-443k
To become this profession, you must go to medical school.
It is projected to grow by 14%
I would not like to be an ostheopathic physician, as it doesn't seem interesting.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Topic Research
History of Valentines Day
The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. There are many different beliefs but this is just one of them.S.S.S.
"Act well your part; there all honor lies" Alexander Pope
I agree with this quote , as I agree with its meaning. We all have a part to play, big or small, in life. He says that the honor lies in acting your part well. This doesn’t mean to fake it. Our lives are performances with no rehearsal. We must improvise and stretch, try new things and get uncomfortable. We must not get used to our comfort zone. Sometimes we fail and thats normal. But you will never know unless you live to the fullest and take life head-on. You must learn to not be afraid of change. I believe that this is a true statement that we should all live by. But its all in my opinion. You might not agree with this quote, but thats your opinion.
I agree with this quote , as I agree with its meaning. We all have a part to play, big or small, in life. He says that the honor lies in acting your part well. This doesn’t mean to fake it. Our lives are performances with no rehearsal. We must improvise and stretch, try new things and get uncomfortable. We must not get used to our comfort zone. Sometimes we fail and thats normal. But you will never know unless you live to the fullest and take life head-on. You must learn to not be afraid of change. I believe that this is a true statement that we should all live by. But its all in my opinion. You might not agree with this quote, but thats your opinion.
Friday, February 9, 2018
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your won reputation. for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." -George Washington
I agree with this expression up to a certain degree. I do believe that you should associate yourself with good quality people, but some people can't be alone due to other situations, like depression. Some people would do anything to not be alone, including associating with bad people. Probably because bad people let others join their friend group easily, and poor people that need to be around others take this opportunity, because if they don't they might even do other things that aren't needed. In my opinion some people might need to be with others, but if they can they should be around good people . If you can be with good people over bad people, do that.
I agree with this expression up to a certain degree. I do believe that you should associate yourself with good quality people, but some people can't be alone due to other situations, like depression. Some people would do anything to not be alone, including associating with bad people. Probably because bad people let others join their friend group easily, and poor people that need to be around others take this opportunity, because if they don't they might even do other things that aren't needed. In my opinion some people might need to be with others, but if they can they should be around good people . If you can be with good people over bad people, do that.

Orthopedic Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities.
orthopedic surgeons normally take care of patients who have problems with their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Duties and Responsibilities.
orthopedic surgeons normally take care of patients who have problems with their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Apart from a bachelor's degree of 4 years, they need an additional 4 years of medical school and another 4-5 years of residency in a hospital.
Demand or need
It is projected to grow by 13% from 2016 to 2026 because of the demand.
I would not like to be a orthopedic surgeon, it has too many years of study and I wouldn't like being a surgeon.
I would not like to be a orthopedic surgeon, it has too many years of study and I wouldn't like being a surgeon.
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