I somewhat agree with the statement. I just don't agree with the way Mr. Haymore described it.
He made it seem like it is a chain, like the animal food chain. It was portrayed in a way that makes it seem like it will never stop. If this were the case, (which it isn't) it would be impossible to start telling the truth, as one lie would make an infinite amount of lies (according to the way it was described to us). I still do agree that SOMETIMES people need to make another lie to backup the first one. Even to make it more credible. But that is SOMETIMES, not all lies lead to another. An example for one lie that leads to another can be when you lie about being not going to school. The day you say why you're not going you tell one lie, and then the next day if somebody asks you, you need to lie again. One example for a one off lie can be when you say that you will do something, but you won't actually do it. In conclusion the statement just needs some tweaking, but I don't agree with how our teacher explained to us.

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