-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't disagree, but I don't agree with this statement. I do believe that the goal to true education should be to develop your own character and intelligence, but I don't think that the educational system accomplishes this. In the modern system, education focuses more on intelligence, than character. There are more classes that can help you develop your character, like music or art, but those are normally not too emphasized by the school. In school they teach masses, not focusing on one by one interaction, which makes it harder for some to be caught up the others. Even though this is not focused on, teachers do offer tutoring, but some simply don't want it or can't be there. I also agree that "Intelligence is not enough" In life you will need to be likable apart from being intelligent, this will help you grow in life and have more opportunities. In conclusion, I agree with what the quote wants to say, but I don't agree with education's means.

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