In this day in age memes are everywhere. You can find them in a lot of webpages and you probably use them in some of your conversations. Sometimes people use them so much that it becomes like a daily thing, like an addiction. Sometimes these memes can help even in your workplace, making it more enjoyable. To understand why this happens, we must know first, what is a meme? Biologist Richard Dawkins first used the term meme (meem) in his book The Selfish Gene – as a parallel to genes – "to refer to any cultural entity that an observer might consider a replicator, such as songs or fashion. Therefore, even some songs can be considered a meme.Employees have moved water cooler talk online. Now, colleagues from any job role or location can share bits about daily company life, and those bits can become useful insights.Not every office topic needs to have a trending meme on Twitter to be important. Social listening can still help human resources pin point job satisfaction issues, and even give management a way to solve problems within online conversations – multiple conference calls not withstanding.

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