- One thing I like about this class is that we can play games(typing games) after we are done with an assignment. I also like how we don't have much homework, and when we do it is very simple. One last thing, I like how I can get better at typing.
- There are a lot of things I don't like about this class. First of all, it is very repetitive, EXTREMELY repetitive. We do the exact same thing everyday. Another thing is that we don't really learn anything. The only thing I've learned is how to use a few Microsoft word tools, that I already knew how to use. The teacher is just here to talk about doing good things, and this is supposed to be a COMPUTER CLASS not a Civil Ethics Class. Some of the most important things I've learned, I've learned in pages like typing.com, where I learned the basics of typing. The teacher is just here to make sure we do our work, and that is it.
- There are a lot of recommendations I can give. First of all, focus on actual education about computers, and not on CTR, sure, you can talk about it a little every few days, but don't focus on it. Second of all, try to have diverse classes, probably around 90% of our classes follow this order, Medical Career Research> Student Success Statement> Life planning goals Journal. And they also normally have lectures about CTR between them. I want to learn about Computer programs and things like that, not about stuff that I already that are wrong or right.
- One highlight I can give myself is going from around 30 wpm to 50 wpm with around 95% accuracy.
- I don't need to give my best in this class, it is so simple and repetitive that I could probably do it with my eyes closed.
- No, I am not. Why? Because I don't think you can easily come up with at least one goal each day. I also don't think that it will be a deciding factor in the future. Sure, I do believe that it may make me want to accomplish some things, but it won't make me become an animator or accomplish anything major. I also believe there is no point in doing it every day, as it would make it annoying and repetitive, such as other things in this class, and that would probably make me want to write even less in it. I think one sitting every 2-3 days is alright, but I think the best would be every week, as it gives you more time to accomplish more goals and be able to write more.
- Of course I want to be a CTR person. I want to be a decent, kind human being, like most of the people in the world. I just think that there are some things in which you can NEVER Choose the right thing. Sometimes when you can't find a road to follow you have to pave your own way.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Class Evaluation
Topic Research.
I am researching this topic as i really like the concept of art. It is something I've liked since i was small. Now, you may be asking yourself, what does an animator do? As the name suggests. They produce images that come to life on screen. Their work is found in feature films, commercials, pop videos, computer games, websites and other media. It is a hard working job, but can be very satisfying. There Salary is of $63,970 per year, approximately. To become an animator you must at least have a bachelor’s degree. You can also take other classes to further improve your artistic level. Animators are very needed in this era, as a lot of entertainment revolves around animation.There fore they are expected to grow as a needed job. It is expected that the growth of animators will increase by 10% from 2016 to 2026. I would love to become an animator, I’ve always wanted to be an animator, and it would probably be a job I enjoy. I've been fascinated by the idea of drawing images that come to life. Therefore it would only be something I live off of, but also something I enjoy.
I am researching this topic as i really like the concept of art. It is something I've liked since i was small. Now, you may be asking yourself, what does an animator do? As the name suggests. They produce images that come to life on screen. Their work is found in feature films, commercials, pop videos, computer games, websites and other media. It is a hard working job, but can be very satisfying. There Salary is of $63,970 per year, approximately. To become an animator you must at least have a bachelor’s degree. You can also take other classes to further improve your artistic level. Animators are very needed in this era, as a lot of entertainment revolves around animation.There fore they are expected to grow as a needed job. It is expected that the growth of animators will increase by 10% from 2016 to 2026. I would love to become an animator, I’ve always wanted to be an animator, and it would probably be a job I enjoy. I've been fascinated by the idea of drawing images that come to life. Therefore it would only be something I live off of, but also something I enjoy.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
"Take Responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well being." - Mr. Charles Haymore
I strongly agree with this statement. I believe that you should take care of yourself, always. You need to be responsible for doing yourself good. And if something that wasn't your fault happens to you, like cancer for example, you need to be responsible for taking good care of yourself. By doing this you will always have that well being with you. It is always good to take care of yourself. You can never think that some days are for not caring about yourself, because everything we do is for your own good. And this well being is always good.
I strongly agree with this statement. I believe that you should take care of yourself, always. You need to be responsible for doing yourself good. And if something that wasn't your fault happens to you, like cancer for example, you need to be responsible for taking good care of yourself. By doing this you will always have that well being with you. It is always good to take care of yourself. You can never think that some days are for not caring about yourself, because everything we do is for your own good. And this well being is always good.

Smoking is one of the worst things that you could do for your body. It is damaging not only to one part of the body, but it damages all of your body. Here are some statistics for the damages that smoking can cause, and after it the percentage of teenagers that smoke. ]

As you can see, smoking is not very good, but a way to promote non smoking is this, blogs talking about how bad it can be. Finally here is a picture of the effects of smoking,

I promise to never smoke, EVER!

As you can see, smoking is not very good, but a way to promote non smoking is this, blogs talking about how bad it can be. Finally here is a picture of the effects of smoking,
I promise to never smoke, EVER!
Friday, December 8, 2017
"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't disagree, but I don't agree with this statement. I do believe that the goal to true education should be to develop your own character and intelligence, but I don't think that the educational system accomplishes this. In the modern system, education focuses more on intelligence, than character. There are more classes that can help you develop your character, like music or art, but those are normally not too emphasized by the school. In school they teach masses, not focusing on one by one interaction, which makes it harder for some to be caught up the others. Even though this is not focused on, teachers do offer tutoring, but some simply don't want it or can't be there. I also agree that "Intelligence is not enough" In life you will need to be likable apart from being intelligent, this will help you grow in life and have more opportunities. In conclusion, I agree with what the quote wants to say, but I don't agree with education's means.
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't disagree, but I don't agree with this statement. I do believe that the goal to true education should be to develop your own character and intelligence, but I don't think that the educational system accomplishes this. In the modern system, education focuses more on intelligence, than character. There are more classes that can help you develop your character, like music or art, but those are normally not too emphasized by the school. In school they teach masses, not focusing on one by one interaction, which makes it harder for some to be caught up the others. Even though this is not focused on, teachers do offer tutoring, but some simply don't want it or can't be there. I also agree that "Intelligence is not enough" In life you will need to be likable apart from being intelligent, this will help you grow in life and have more opportunities. In conclusion, I agree with what the quote wants to say, but I don't agree with education's means.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
"We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do." -Richard L. Evans
I completely agree with this statement. I believe that if we are doing something right, we should keep doing it like that. For this we need courage to do the right thing. Not only for this do we need courage, but also to stop doing the wrong thing. Not only to stop, but to continue not doing it. Some people don't have this courage, and they keep on doing the wrong. Maybe because of addiction, or peer pressure, and this can lead them to even killing themselves, instead of not doing it anymore.This is sad, but we should start developing courage since we are young so that this never happens to us.
I completely agree with this statement. I believe that if we are doing something right, we should keep doing it like that. For this we need courage to do the right thing. Not only for this do we need courage, but also to stop doing the wrong thing. Not only to stop, but to continue not doing it. Some people don't have this courage, and they keep on doing the wrong. Maybe because of addiction, or peer pressure, and this can lead them to even killing themselves, instead of not doing it anymore.This is sad, but we should start developing courage since we are young so that this never happens to us.

Monday, December 4, 2017
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another" - Paul Hatch
I somewhat agree with the statement. I just don't agree with the way Mr. Haymore described it.
He made it seem like it is a chain, like the animal food chain. It was portrayed in a way that makes it seem like it will never stop. If this were the case, (which it isn't) it would be impossible to start telling the truth, as one lie would make an infinite amount of lies (according to the way it was described to us). I still do agree that SOMETIMES people need to make another lie to backup the first one. Even to make it more credible. But that is SOMETIMES, not all lies lead to another. An example for one lie that leads to another can be when you lie about being not going to school. The day you say why you're not going you tell one lie, and then the next day if somebody asks you, you need to lie again. One example for a one off lie can be when you say that you will do something, but you won't actually do it. In conclusion the statement just needs some tweaking, but I don't agree with how our teacher explained to us.
I somewhat agree with the statement. I just don't agree with the way Mr. Haymore described it.
He made it seem like it is a chain, like the animal food chain. It was portrayed in a way that makes it seem like it will never stop. If this were the case, (which it isn't) it would be impossible to start telling the truth, as one lie would make an infinite amount of lies (according to the way it was described to us). I still do agree that SOMETIMES people need to make another lie to backup the first one. Even to make it more credible. But that is SOMETIMES, not all lies lead to another. An example for one lie that leads to another can be when you lie about being not going to school. The day you say why you're not going you tell one lie, and then the next day if somebody asks you, you need to lie again. One example for a one off lie can be when you say that you will do something, but you won't actually do it. In conclusion the statement just needs some tweaking, but I don't agree with how our teacher explained to us.

Army Physician
Duties and responsibilities
Army physicians conserve the U.S. Army's strength by providing the highest quality health care to Soldiers, family members, etc.
They must have a bachelor's degree and a medical certificate.
Demand or need
There is no big demand of this profession as there are already people who they can recruit.
I would not like to be an army physician, as I have never been hugely interested in medical field pathways.
Duties and responsibilities
Army physicians conserve the U.S. Army's strength by providing the highest quality health care to Soldiers, family members, etc.
They must have a bachelor's degree and a medical certificate.
Demand or need
There is no big demand of this profession as there are already people who they can recruit.
I would not like to be an army physician, as I have never been hugely interested in medical field pathways.
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